Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Swing that big stick, Taylor...

Friend and fellow contributor Chris Taylor chews Jean Chretien a well-deserved new one over at his place, as a result of Chretien's irresponsible and self-serving musings on the Afghan file:

Translation: If I were still PM, we would have shirked the heavy lifting of combat duty and reconstruction in Taliban-contested provinces for the safety of crossing-guard duties in NATO-controlled areas.

Let's get one thing straight, M. Chrétien. The people with blood on their hands are the Taliban fighters struggling to bring back 7th-century despotism to a recently-freed populace. Paul Martin may (or may not) have dithered too long, but the mission is nonetheless an honorable one. One that we should be proud to take up—because it is difficult, and because few nations can muster the will, the men and matériel to make it reality.

Chris probably thought this was too political a piece for The Torch. Normally, I might agree. If Chretien wasn't trying desperately to run to the front of a mob slouching away from a mission he himself started, I'd probably be inclined to let it slide here. But if he, in typically crass fashion, wants to use a grave and noble mission as nothing more than a convenient truncheon with which to club an old political foe, then I say to hell with him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chretien had best re-visit his history of non funding the military, of not providing suitable equipment for our troops before he decides who has blood on who's hands.

Kettle. Pot. Black.

1:26 p.m., October 16, 2007  
Blogger Mark, Ottawa said...

Remember what Chretien said at a July 1997 NATO summit to his Belgian counterpart, not knowing the mike was live:

'In terms of U.S-Canada relations, and particularly the use of Canadian troops to do the dirty work for the U.S., Chretien said: "(Clinton) goes to Haiti with soldiers. The next year, Congress doesn t allow him to go back. So he phones me. Okay, I send my soldiers, and then afterwards, I ask for something else in exchange."'

Not a great source but I vividly remember seeing it on TV at the time and being completely appalled. Talk about Don Jean.

Maybe someone can find another source.


4:07 p.m., October 16, 2007  
Blogger JR said...

This is classic Chretien - narcissistic, blowhard peasant.

6:11 p.m., October 16, 2007  

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