Thursday, November 05, 2009

Awaiting some ace Canadian journalist to report from the field in Afstan

Good luck. See this post:
...the LAV RWS purchase was botched, with the price doubling and the delivery delayed.

“The original project schedule stated that the vehicles would be ready for use in Afghanistan by February 2008,” the report said, adding that the vehicles were not delivered as of this summer [emphasis added]...

Light Armoured Vehicle Remote Weapon Station (LAV RWS)...
Then from another post the same day:
...Particularly telling, concerning the lack of public understanding of the mission, is Gen. Hillier's recounting (26:30) meeting with Canadian six or seven journalists at Kandahar Air Field (only one TV camera). The general asked how many had been outside the wire; only one hand went up (after all, most of our cheapskate news organizations only have one person there, mainly for the death watch - MC)...
Now from the official website:
The LAV RWS vehicles designated for deployment recently arrived in Kandahar and have just started being employed [emphasis added] by the new rotation of troops as part of their security operations...
Bets that the arrival of the vehicle will be, er, reported in our major media, esp. in the context of the Auditor General's report? Or that Canadian journalists at KAF (there may be the odd exception) could identify a LAV RWS if they saw one?

Or know anything about its rationale?

I confess I was unaware of the new vehicle until the AG's report. But I have learned. And am interested.


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