Tuesday, November 03, 2009

What to do about Afstan? BruceR. responds to Shane Schreiber

First from Shane Schreiber (with link to Part 1),
The Third Way: Ending the Illusions in Afghanistan - Part 2
now the start of a post at Flit:
Today's... I don't know what this is, frankly

At serious risk of breaking the stones-glass houses rule, I feel compelled to write something here about another Canadian military online essayist.

The fellow behind this post has more relevant experience, with the military, with Afghanistan, and probably with life in general than I do. So please take my criticism of his writing with that in mind. It's his attempt at a big solution piece on What to Do in Afghanistan. The synopsis:

First, get the world to legalize the consumption of heroin. Check.
Second, get Karzai and Abdullah to form a national unity government. Um, check.
Third, get the Karzai-Abdullah government to introduce conscription and mass-enrol Afghans into the army and police. (...)
Fourth, get Pakistan to "reclaim control" of its FATA territories. (!!!)
Fifth, get Afghan and Western forces to "consider the Durand line irrelevant" and chase Taliban onto Pakistani territory whenever required and thus deny them a safe haven. (!!!!!)

If you do all that, on a "tight and non-negotiable timetable" it will not mean victory, but you will have bought Afghans their "last, best chance," after which we can pull out.

I'm sorry, but reading that in this context is not unlike reading "first we need to breed a race of superponies...


Blogger Unknown said...

We could, possible, try dealing with reality, maybe.

1. Afghans, often, say when they get a nice new school or new road improvements or whatever..." yeah, the Russians gave us stuff too."

So, maybe the give away program where we pour endless dollars into a black hole in a culture that does not maintain what it has anyway is just us jerking ourselves off with a bunch in feel goodism.

2. Take the multi cultis at their word and treat with the Afghans according to their own cultural habits. Afghans respect strenght. Show em strenght to impress their hearts and minds. Stop being so risk averse and go out and close with and destroy the enemy. Show that enemy no mercy.

Quit giving Afghan village leaders reason to say "you guys come in, be all nice and such, shake hands, smile, say lots of nice things. Then the Taliban come in and round up anyone suspected of having nice feelings for you, break all their bones and torture them to death. Who the **** do you think I'm gonna listen to, eh?"

Oh, and sort through our current memes and "concepts", check em, each and every one, for the taint of UN Peace Keeperism or the weak sauce idiocy that glommed onto everything during the Cold War, and shed ourselves of that.

Fight the war like it's an actual war.

7:38 p.m., November 03, 2009  

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