Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Afstan mission planning--"Gotcha!"?

I've been wondering for some time about the effect the lack of clarity about what exactly the CF may or may not do after 2011 (see end of this post) is having on our military's ability to plan properly. If anything further is contemplated the preliminary planning should be well in train. Now. There's just over two years to go and units, e.g., will need assigning since the (very good) training has become a lengthy process. From BruceR at Flit:

"Canada's position is clear," Soudas said. "The military component of the mission ends in 2011"... Soudas said post-2011 Canada will examine what other contributions it can make in reconstruction, aid or training."

It will be undoubtedly clarified in due course that Soudas meant the "combat component". Right now, however, a lot of officers in Ottawa planning for the 2011 military deployments (PRT, mentoring support, etc.) are undoubtedly having their own private WTF? moments, as are some of our allies, as well.

*Military term. I have to use one every now and again.

I'm just waiting for the "Gotcha!" moment when some Dipper or journalist finds a document showing a shred of a plan to do something post-2011.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The mission as we know will end"

Lots of wiggle room here. It could mean no more combat patrols but leave, Air force, Logistics and Engineering resources in place for Training and "Aid to Civil Powers"

Or lots of other things.

It will depend on a lot of factors, foremost of which will be if the CPC has a majority in the House and where we are in the election cycle.

There is still hope we won't just quit.

7:26 p.m., September 15, 2009  

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