Monday, June 29, 2009

"stigma is a leadership issue"

Well, the Big Brass is at least saying some of the right things about mental health issues in the CF. Good for Natynczyk. You can see him speak about his “Be the Difference” Mental Health Awareness Campaign here, and read the transcript here.

Some of it seemed like uninspired boilerplate, to be honest, but there was one important point made that impressed me. First, from the backgrounder on the issue:

It has been said that military culture is not subject to quick or easy change, but in the CF, there is evidence that initiatives targeting the stigma surrounding mental health issues have been working. The CF have recognized for some time that stigma is a leadership issue, and leadership has increased its involvement accordingly. Now, the “Be the Difference” campaign will extend awareness across the CF, encouraging personnel of all ranks and at every level to become personally engaged in building strength and understanding. [Babbler's emphasis]

This is reiterated even more strongly in Natynczyk's speech:

We know that clinical and peer based interventions are effective and that the earlier they occur the better the chances are for recovery. Those who receive the support of unit co- workers and leaders have the greatest chance of returning to duty.

Therefore, I expect leaders at all levels to create a command climate that allows those who need help to get it. I also expect all CF personnel to foster a social climate of understanding, acceptance and support. Don’t under estimate the impact you can have on someone affected by mental health difficulties. [Babbler's emphasis]

The phrase "I expect" coming from the senior uniformed officer in the CF is not to be taken lightly.

Let's just hope the follow through lives up to the rhetoric.


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