Monday, April 06, 2009

The US and the Kandahar PRT--and Kandahar generally

I wrote this on April 4:
[I understand Canada will keep charge of the PRT--note the civilian contribution, still increasing--under Task Force Kandahar and the Representative of Canada in Kandahar, with the PRT keeping responsibility for the whole province. US personnel will be assigned to the PRT, and US forces will coordinate with the team. More on the PRT here and here - MC.]
From a Canwest News story today:
While U.S. forces would take over military responsibility [emphasis added] for less-populated parts of Kandahar, "American forces will respect the primacy of the Canadian PRT (provincial reconstruction team) in the area of governance," across the province, [US Army Brig.-Gen. John] Nicholson said [more on the general here and here].

"The Canadian PRT are the ones who built the relationships, made the investments in the Kandahar provincial government and have the mechanisms in place. We will simply plug into the existing Canadian mechanisms and work governance issues through the PRT."

On the military side, the U.S. army's 2nd battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment would continue conducting counter-insurgency operations in Maywand and western Zhari/ Panjwaii, under Brig.-Gen. Jon Vance of Canada...
More on the 2-2 "Ramrods" in operation with the Canadians here.


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