Thursday, August 30, 2007

Job protection for Reservists - update

To be honest, I'm surprised, but shouldn't have been. I've received several responses to my initial request with one common theme. No one wished to be identified with their story, especially from those with negative experiences.

I'd like to take this opportunity to ensure anyone who wishes to share their story that it will be kept in the strictest confidence if you desire. If you wish, you can email me at, a totally secure and anonymous system. There is a story to be told, and I certainly wish to tell it from your perspective.
I'm currently studying the laws enacted by Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Nova Scotia regarding Reservist job protection.

I'm interested in hearing from any Reservists and employers in those Provinces who have been affected by these laws. I'd also like to hear from employers, large and small, on what impact they think legislation such as this would have on their business if it were enacted in their Province.

Edit: email address corrected.


Blogger Lord Kitchener's Own said...

I wonder if you've seen this petition or this Facebook Group (Facebook login required) on this issue.

These were both started by a quite left-wing blogger (and admittedly his post introducing it was a bit snarky, along the lines of "REALLY 'supporting the troops'") but it is entirely sincere, and to my mind an excellent initiative. However, I haven't seen any mention of it on the Blogging Tories, perhaps because they avoid that blogger's blog like the plague.

Anyway, I thought the petition was a great idea, and would probably take off if exposed to a more conservative audience, so perhaps some Blogging Tories who visit here could do a post on this (here, and/or on their own blogs).

Anyway, FYI!

11:55 a.m., August 31, 2007  
Blogger WE Speak said...

I have noticed it LKO, I joined the group. If the petition was changed to encompass both the Federal and Provincial governments, I would be happy to sign it. With the exception of some federally regulated industries, the majority of labour law responsibility lies with individual provinces.

There is more coming on this issue, but additional research and preparation is required.

10:50 p.m., August 31, 2007  

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