Friday, February 23, 2007

The Canadian Forces:Deux nations

The Québécois really don't seem to want the Canadian military to be a fighting force, whereas those in another province do (paragraphs out of sequence):

Quebeckers, whose mostly French-speaking Royal 22nd Regiment is just arriving in Kandahar [not so--a few elements arrived some time ago but the main battle group is not coming until August - MC]ahead of what is expected to be months of renewed fighting against a resurgent Taliban, want most strongly (71 per cent) to scrap any combat role for the Canadian Forces.

If the Vandoos start taking casualties, anti-war sentiment in Quebec may harden.

By contrast, only four in 10 Albertans want a "peacekeeping only" military.
Now this is really scary:

The national average among the more than 1,000 respondents to the Ipsos-Reid poll was 58 per cent favouring only peacekeeping...
The figure would probably be around 50-50, not counting Quebec. That is the result of at least two decades of what amounts to propaganda from our educational systems, our media, and our governments (I'm including the Mulroney one}.

Paul Koring of the Globe and Mail, the author of this story, starts it in this fashion:

Four in 10 Canadians think it's okay for Canadian soldiers to beat their captives in Afghanistan and nearly two-thirds doubt investigations into alleged detainee abuse will uncover the truth, according to an Ipsos-Reid poll released yesterday.


More than a third (37 per cent) of respondents said they believe Canadian troops "are involved with torturing" prisoners...
Now whyever might Canadians think such nasty things about our soldiers? A large part of the reason might just be stories Mr Koring himself wrote recently about allegations of prisoner abuse. The allegations were then picked up and given huge publicity by the rest of our media. See these posts by Babbling Brooks:

"More spinning than a figure skating competition"
"Desperate fabrication"
"You want a 'conversation'? You got my half of it..."

Mr Koring really does have a lot to answer for.

Full poll details are here.


Blogger Cameron Campbell said...

Thank god fred lives in a Canada where differences of opinions are not something to ridicule people about but where they are cherished.

Thank god he is totally accounts for the subsidies to the various oil companies that recieve $1.4 billion in subsidies from the Feds (how do they get that money again?) and want another $2 - 3 billion for pipelines.. it would be unfair for him to point fingers and not mention that.

Thank goodness also that fred never ever stoops to regionalism, or making pejorative comments about people's democratic decisions (I mean, that would lead other mean spirited people to point out all sorts of crazy ideas like how the environment is being bent over...)

But mostly, thank god he always stays on topic, engages in reasoned discussions and never strays off bounds to make cheap political points off of peoples opinions.

7:56 p.m., February 23, 2007  
Blogger Cameron Campbell said...

No correlation has been established.

Here, more fuel for the "know it all" fire, but correlation has a specific meaning.

One of the examples that my stats prof used (he's since gone nuts... that'll teach him to stare at numbers all day) was the whole "full moon means busier night at emergency" theory.

Or, more on topic to this example, the link between ice cream sales and sexual assault.

2:10 p.m., February 24, 2007  
Blogger Paul said...

Interesting how Quebecers want no combat but scream like whipped kids when they don't get defense contracts.

10:17 p.m., February 24, 2007  
Blogger Cameron Campbell said...

paul, like all the other provinces when they don't get their bonbons?

7:12 a.m., February 25, 2007  

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