Thursday, September 14, 2006

Telling friend from foe

A torrent of dime-novel bunk from Lawrence of Liberal-abia today, particularly this revealing passage:

Iraq? Where do our leaders stand? We're in Afghanistan losing lives, largely because of Iraq. If Mr. Bush had not got disastrously sidetracked, moving his arsenal to Baghdad while leaving Afghanistan exposed, would there be any need for Canadians to be there in a warrior role?
Translation: Only the bad ugly militaristic Americans are supposed to be doing the dirty fighting in this war. Us nice gentle boys of Canada don't do that. We shouldn't have to lift a finger in this struggle because such warrior sacrifice demeans us, goes against our peacekeeping values. The Americans have failed in their duty to protect us from the Taliban warlords and Al Qaeda terrorists in Afstan because they are consumed in Iraq. Americans are the reason why our soldiers are losing their lives.

Those who sympathize with Lawrence Martin and his twisted pent-up frustration need to stop embarrassing us and causing anguish to our Allies-in-Arms. Americans are not the reason why our soldiers are losing their lives in Afstan, and anyone who suggests such a thing can't tell friend from foe. Unless I'm reading too much into this, it is breathlessly ungrateful and foolish to take such a stance; breathlessly hypocritical to infer moral superiority about our presumed role; breathlessly irresponsible to agree that the dirty work needs to done, but that we shouldn't do it; breathlessly irrational to blame our main ally for the actions of our main enemy; and breathlessly dishonourable to assume others should do the dying and not us. If those are Canadian values, do we ever have the wrong set of soldiers representing our country in Afstan today.


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