Thursday, September 21, 2006

Afstan: Prime Minister Harper at the UN

At last the media mention a key fact, of which I am sure 95% of Canadians are unaware since our media has not bothered to inform them of this trifling detail--and until very recently the government has not highlighted it either.

"If we fail the Afghan people, we will be failing ourselves," Harper said in defending the UN-sanctioned, NATO-led mission, which includes more than 2,000 Canadian troops.
Currently, there are about 20,000 UN-sanctioned troops in Afghanistan, mostly taking part in peacekeeping and rebuilding in the north and west.

Canada's has 2,200 troops who are fighting alongside British, Dutch and U.S. soldiers as they push south through Taliban territory.


Blogger Babbling Brooks said...

Mark, I'm not sure the CTV story is the best example of clarity on this topic, since this sentence remains misleading:

Currently, there are about 20,000 UN-sanctioned troops in Afghanistan, mostly taking part in peacekeeping and rebuilding in the north and west.

I think they're talking about ISAF forces, but the truth is that OEF forces are also UN-sanctioned, and they number an additional 20,000 or so, as you're aware.

At least the CBC got it closer to right:

Thirty-seven countries have contributed about 20,000 troops under the NATO banner, who work alongside 20,000 U.S. soldiers in the country.

4:57 p.m., September 21, 2006  
Blogger Mark, Ottawa said...

Babbling: Of course you're right--I was just focusing on the UN-mandate for ISAF aspect.

Plus CTV buried it at the end.


5:04 p.m., September 21, 2006  
Blogger Babbling Brooks said...

Fair enough. You could burn yourself out looking for an article that got it all right, couldn't you?

8:56 a.m., September 22, 2006  

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