Friday, December 11, 2009

Afstan: The Canadian journalism sucks challenge of the day/ "America's war", ISAF URL fun

Dear readers,

Can you find any stories in the Canadian major media that report with any substance on the Dutch debate (one, minor, online, exception here) concerning the planned 2010 end of their military mission in Uruzgan province (part of ISAF Regional Command South, in which the CF also serve)?

Bubble country are we, say I. Seeing as the Dutch and Canadian situations are the most comparable of serious smaller state ISAF participants (official ISAF page on The Netherlands here).

America's war:

By the way, a new ISAF "interactive" map of Afstan is here. It's interesting. and telling, to see "usfora" in the new URL of a NATO site (interesting also that the 'USFOR-A" link itself isn't working any more--but they are on twitter, go figure).

Here's an October 2009 ISAF explanatory "placemat", with maps. Note the URL then, no "usfora". Sadly, it is America's war now. Such apparent trivia may speak volumes about reality. Or maybe not but I doubt that.


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