Monday, November 30, 2009

Another aspect of the detainee issue--some cautionary words/Special Forces in Afstan, Kunduz debacle

Further to this post,
"Richard Colvin's story of widespread torture and indifference is unravelling"
some cautionary words from BruceR. at Flit:
Buried in a weekend edition, Palu has pinpointed the shoe that hasn't dropped yet on the Colvin detainee allegations ("in-field transfers" is the more common term). It isn't just those taken today in mentored operations, although I'm sure that number in increasing. Over the last couple years, dozens of Afghans have been taken on ISAF-led ops in Kandahar Province and handed over at the point of capture by ISAF personnel to participating Afghan security forces. Because they were never technically in Western hands for any extended period, there is no reporting requirement imposed on the Afghans under our existing protocols. Unavoidable? Probably. But supporters of the mission might want to continue to keep their arms braced on the seat-back in front of them, because at some point the media may connect those dots.
Lots of interesting stuff earlier in the post on how special forces might be more widely used, with a particular, force-economizing effect, and on "fallout from the Kunduz attack", more here and here from Spiegel Online.

Update: More from Brian Platt at The Canada-Afghanistan Blog:

...The hypocrisy of the troops-out crowd would be hilarious if it wasn't so dangerous.


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