Thursday, September 03, 2009

Last chance

The wife of LS Theo Kwantes is attempting a dangerous treatment for a rare and debilitating medical condition, one that costs thousands of dollars. While The Torch is not normally the place for such appeals, the following testimonial e-mailed to me by a friend at DND convinced me to put up a post:

As told by Lt(N) Melanie Graham, Public Affairs Officer, Land Force Western Area:

"Fern is married to a Leading Seaman, RMS clerk, Theo Kwantes. Theo reverted to the ranks a few years ago and gave up his commission after attempting the Maritime Surface and Subsurface (MARS) officer program. He worked at CFB Esquimalt dockyard with the tour program while awaiting career disposition. He is a bright and affable man who has been carrying a heavy load since his wife became ill some years ago. He used to love to play the guitar but has given it up to focus on caring for his wife and their children. Good people all round. He has maintained his sense of humour throughout but observation by those who have known him a while show that the effort has taken its toll. He has also been passed over for promotion because he is on compassionate status so he can care for his wife and family every evening. Through it all he never complains and is always there for anyone who turns to him in need. Good man, good clerk, good parent and good husband."

Here's where you can find out more, including how to help if you want.


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