Wednesday, September 09, 2009

"Every ANSF mentor's worst nightmare..."

Via BruceR at Flit, here's the news story:
'We're pinned down:' 4 U.S. Marines die in Afghan ambush
Dashing from boulder to boulder, diving into trenches and ducking behind stone walls as the insurgents maneuvered to outflank us, we waited more than an hour for U.S. helicopters to arrive, despite earlier assurances that air cover would be five minutes away.

U.S. commanders, citing new rules to avoid civilian casualties, rejected repeated calls to unleash artillery rounds at attackers dug into the slopes and tree lines — despite being told repeatedly that they weren't near the village [policies have consequences--as for airstrikes].

"We are pinned down. We are running low on ammo. We have no air. We've lost today," Marine Maj. Kevin Williams, 37, said through his translator to his Afghan counterpart, responding to the latter's repeated demands for helicopters.

Four U.S. Marines were killed Tuesday, the most U.S. service members assigned as trainers to the Afghan National Army to be lost in a single incident since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion. Eight Afghan troops and police and the Marine commander's Afghan interpreter also died in the ambush and the subsequent battle that raged from dawn until 2 p.m. around this remote hamlet in eastern Kunar province, close to the Pakistan border...
Here's the blog of a Marine trainer just returned:
Embedded in Afghanistan...
a marine's opinions and experiences living and working with the Afghan National Army in Eastern Afghanistan.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The concept of the "Chateau General" was supposed to have died with the end of WW1.

Guess not.

11:49 a.m., September 09, 2009  
Blogger Unknown said...

This, and situations worse, are a direct consequence, predicted and obvious, to our own submission to the propaganda efforts of the enemy, both foreign and domestic.

This issue stems directly from the defensive ROE changes that are reducing our warfighting ability to a level synom with Dr. Spock parenting uselessness.

Hearts and minds fluff only impresses those who are already on side in an AO. There's always appropriate use of H&M, but when it becomes the end all be all of a campaign, the campaign has shifted into slow death mode.

There will always be enemy who's heart or mind can only be reached with high velocity projectiles. Close with them and destroy them.

For those who get pantie twisted over such thoughts or words, I suggest doing a bit of study on Al Anbar province in Iraq, the actions there and the end results (the 1920s Revolution Brigade changing sides, the Al Anbar Awakening, the Sons of Iraq starting up, etc).

Those changes came about in Al Anbar because the enemy there was closed with and destroyed, over and over and over until they just got tired of getting their arses kicked.

And that, regardless of the soft headed monkey clutching crap that Brit command loves to spew, is how a dedicated insurgency gets broken.

The invasion element that is common in both Iraq and Afghan (a majority of the fighters in both AOs now are not native to the AO. Imports are being put into the fight from every single muslim community on the planet, bar none.) can only be dealt with by direct, forceful, lethal and comprehensive destruction in the AO, and selective lethal force applied to their source community.

No one has ever gentlied or kindlied their way through a war. Hasn't happened, wont happen, because it cant happen.

8:25 p.m., September 09, 2009  

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