Friday, August 01, 2008

Tangled Afghan webs

Woven with a lot of deception somewhere; something really has to be done about ISI:
Pakistanis Aided Attack in Kabul, U.S. Officials Say

Pakistan denies ISI behind Indian embassy attack

But note this from the second story:
Government spokeswoman Sherry Rehman also said there was "no proof" of ISI involvement in the bombing.

However, she said that there were "probably" individuals in the ISI working against official policy — the first acknowledgment from Pakistan's new government that Taliban sympathizers may lurk in the agency.

Authorities "need to identify these people and weed them out," Rehman said...
The Pakistanis make their own charges:
India, Afghanistan behind unrest, says Pakistan
Where's Kim when you need him? While this will certainly feed Pakistani paranoia:
Karzai to visit India
And this is not encouraging for the short-term:
Gates: US Not Ready to Send More Troops to Afghanistan
I wonder when that American battalion that we expect to support us at Kandahar will arrive:
...the general [Chief of Defence Staff Walt Natynczyk, July 20] said that a U.S. battalion is on its way to help in the south...
The idea has been that the battalion could move from eastern Afghanistan with the arrival of the French unit, allowed to engage in combat, in that region .


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