Thursday, June 19, 2008

To the editors at the Globe & Mail:


The day began with rebels firing at Canadian, Afghan and international forces from the bushes across a river just outside the country's second-largest city.

It ended with coalition forces marching unopposed across the Arghandab district with their aircraft buzzing overhead, their missiles exploding into the ground and their opponents slinking back into obscurity.

"Where we want to go, we're going," said Col. Jamie Cade, deputy commander of the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan.

I can get towels provided for you at a very reasonable rate. Handy for wiping that egg off your face, I hear.


Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

The sounds you hear today are ... the chirping of a few crickets and, otherwise, the sounds of silence from the Globe & Mail newsroom and executive editors' offices.

The downcast, disappointed Comrade Journalists are already looking for the next opportunity to slam Their Usual Targets with variants of Their Usual Propaganda.

6:43 a.m., June 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Yanks have just as bad.

from SDA

Forwarded from Major General Buckman, USA (ret)
Subject: ABC News - Unbelievable

My niece, Katelyn, stationed at Baluud , Iraq was assigned, with others of her detachment, to be escort/guard/ watcher for Martha Raddatz of ABC News as she covered John McCain's recent trip to Iraq . Katelyn and her Captain stood directly behind Raddatz as she queried GI's walking past. They kept count of the GI's and you should remember these numbers. She asked 60 GI's who they planned to vote for in November. 54 said John McCain, 4 for Obama and 2 for Hillary.

Katelyn called home and told her Mom and Dad to watch ABC news the next night because she was standing directly behind Raddatz and maybe they'd see her on TV. Mom and Dad of course, called and emailed all the kinfolk to watch the newscast and maybe see Katelyn.

Well, of course, we all watched and what we saw wasn't a glimpse of Katelyn, but got a hell'uva view of skewed news. After a dissertation on McCain's trip and speech, ABC showed 5 GI's being asked by Raddatz how they were going to vote in November; 3 for Obama and 2 for Clinton. No mention of the 54 for McCain."

4:06 p.m., June 20, 2008  
Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

Fred, that is an interesting (and unsurprising) story.

Down here in the Great Satan, the MSM are pulling out the stops to promote Hussein Obama and denigrate McCain. At blog Hot Air and elsewhere, there have been numerous articles on the subject of the MSM cooking poll results.

A typical trick goes like this: The American electorate is currently approx. 38% registered Democrats, 32% registered Republicans and 30% unregistered independents. In order for, say, a poll of current voter preferences to be statistically valid, it should poll a accurately reflective proportionate number of these.

BUT what has been done by Gallup and other major polling entities for polls paid for by an MSM entity is oversampling Democratic registered voters by anywhere from 5% to 10% or more, at the expense of under-sampling mainly registered Republican and secondarily independent registered voters.

The most recent one I saw this (in which the raw data was available for comparison) was a Gallup/AP poll in which they oversampled Democrats by 10%. The result had Obama beating McCain by around 5 or so percent. Doing the correction of the relative sampling percentages and logically assuming Republicans will support the Republican candidate, McCain was actually beating Obama by 5% or more.

As I said above, this one particular poll is by no means the only one so cooked. (And this doesn't even begin to address the free ride Obama is being given by the MSM on his illogical policies and more than a little highly suspect matters in his background and that of his top advisors.) So much for professional standards and integrity in journalism.

So, take every Obama-winning poll you see with many grains of salt.

3:46 a.m., June 24, 2008  

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