Wednesday, September 05, 2007

CNE airshow

Taylor took some good shots - here are just a few of many worth looking at:

One of these days I need to get my kids out to one of these...


Blogger Unknown said...

A hearty thanks to Taylor for sharing those great photos! (Wish I could do half as well with my new digital! :-)

2:00 p.m., September 05, 2007  
Blogger Chris Taylor said...

Thanks. This was my first outing with Wanda's new camera, and I'm not fully briefed on all its capabilities yet. My only advice would be

1) Use appropriate shutter/ISO settings to capture fast-moving stuff (or be lazy and select the "sports" mode).

2) Set the shutter to continuous (burst) mode, so that you can just hold the shutter button down and fire away as the planes make their passes.

3) Auto-focus is way too slow to catch up with the planes, so go manual if at all possible.

You don't really have a lot of time to screw around, so just take 300-odd photos and if you're lucky 30 will be really good. =)

3:26 p.m., September 05, 2007  

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