Sunday, June 10, 2007

Nova Scotian in Iraq

One hopes Denis Coderre does not make a big deal about this:
Capt. Daniel Dandurand, 31, is a Canadian military police officer in Iraq, where there are only a handful of Canadians like him.

Canada isn’t supposed to have a military presence in Iraq, but Capt. Dandurand is an exception because he’s on an exchange with the British military.

Since 2005, Capt. Dandurand, who calls Halifax home, has been part of the three-year exchange program that he volunteered for. While the U.K. is his base, he has been deployed to Iraq along with his British colleagues from 150 Provost Company, 3rd Regiment Military Police.

"The unit I am serving with is filled with exceptional people who are extremely professional soldiers and experienced in operations from a variety of theatres," says Capt. Dandurand.

"The size of their military lends itself to seeing more and experiencing larger-scale operations first-hand."

Capt. Dandurand, who grew up in a military family [a reality the author of this piece does not seem to comprehend - MC] and has been in the Canadian Forces for 13 years , has a very visible and at times very dangerous job in Iraq, helping a country that only knows chaos to achieve calm and order...

Despite her fears, Susan is incredibly proud of her husband, and can’t help but boast.

"I am constantly astounded by his pride in being a Canadian soldier and his willingness to selflessly serve his country," she says. "I believe he is going to benefit from an immense amount of operational knowledge and experience that will be invaluable to the Canadian military police branch and the (Canadian Forces) as a whole."..


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