Monday, October 16, 2006

Sniping from the sidelines will have to wait

After reading this post at sda, I decided to ask why the Ombudsman's report into the sniper investigation wasn't up on the website for the Ombudsman for the Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces.

According to the Director of Communications and Parliamentary Relations for the office, the investigation has taken longer than expected, and the first priority is thoroughness, even if it trumps timeliness.

Having said that, I was told:

...we expect to have a completed report in the late November-early December timeframe. Following this, we will (as we are mandated to do) provide a copy of the report to the Minister of National Defence for a period of at least twenty-eight days. Therefore, I would expect that we will be releasing our report publicly in January 2007.

Finally, let me assure you that our final report (the one provided to the Minister) will be made public in its entirety. This is the process that has been followed consistently by this office since it was stood up in 1999.

Like many others, I eagerly await the final report, along with the Minister's and CDS's response.


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