The other two D's of the 3D strategy

From Combat Camera:
19 October 2006
Camp Nathan Smith, Kandahar, Afghanistan
Master Cpl. Richard Leray, a vehicle technician with the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction team based at Camp Nathan Smith in Kandahar City, and two Afghan mechanics hired for the Afghan National Police vehicle Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul program tear down an ANP truck engine for rebuilding, 19 Oct 06, Camp Nathan Smith, Kandahar City, Afghanistan.
The PRT reinforces the authority of the Afghan government in Kandahar Province by assisting in the stabilization and development of the region. The PRT brings together elements from the CF, RCMP, Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC) and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
Canadian Forces photo by Capt Dave Muralt.
The pointy-end guys trading fire with insurgents out in the vineyards and pot-fields get all the press, which is understandable, I guess.
But don't forget what folks like MCpl Leray and his comrades are doing with the PRT. Don't forget about Op Archer and Op Argus.
CF troops are killing bad guys, no doubt. But that's not all they're doing, not by a long shot.
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