Afstan: Senate committee webcast, April 19: Capstick, Glavin, Vance/Predate: Afstan on TVO
National Security and DefenceSort of things the Commons' committee 0n Afstan should be looking into but isn't.
Monday, April 19, 2010 4:00 pm
Location: Room 2, Victoria Building 140 Wellington Street
(Televised live on PTN)
Clerk: Kevin Pittman (613-993-8968)
Agenda for the meeting - Senate
Item Details Examine and report on the national security and defence policies of Canada.
(4:00 pm-4:45 pm)
As an individual
Colonel (Retired) Mike Capstick, Peace Dividend Trust fund
(by videoconference)AS A PANEL
(5:00 pm-5:45 pm)
Canada-Afghanistan Solidarity Committee
Terry Glavin, Research CoordinatorAS A PANEL
(6:00 pm-6:45 pm)
National Defence
Brigadier-General Jonathan Vance, Commander of the 1st Mechanized Brigade Group
Update: Mr Glavin gave a brilliant and most knowledgeable exposition on Afghan and regional (beware Iran especially) realities, and on ways ahead for Canada.
Predate: Also worth watching, TVO's The Agenda, April 16:
The Debate: Assessing AfghanistanGuestsHave we made a difference, and was it worth it?
Lewis MacKenzie is a Retired Major-General and President of Major-General MacKenzie Enterprises.
Roland Paris is University Research Chair in International Security and Governance at the University of Ottawa. He is also the founding director of the Centre for International Policy Studies at the University, and Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.
Najia Haneefi is President of Rabiha I Balkhi Women's Radio Station & Founder of Afghan Women's Political Participation Committee.
Sally Armstrong is a contributing editor at Maclean’s, and author of Bitter Roots, Tender Shoots: The Uncertain Fate of Afghanistan's Women.
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