Who’s Up to Designing/Building Chinook Support Complex in Petawawa?
This, from MERX:
…. Defence Construction Canada – Request for Qualifications, Design and Construction of Support Facilities, Medium To Heavy Lift Helicopters (MHLH), Petawawa, ON.
In accordance with the rules, regulations, statutes and guidelines, and the professional associations of the Province of Ontario, Defence Construction Canada (DCC) is calling for submissions from Contractor Teams to provide the following services for the design and construction of the new facilities:
• complete the design and prepare the construction documentation based on the Performance Specifications
• design, register and obtain LEED® certification at the level of Silver
• supply all labour, materials and equipment to construct the facilities
• establish and maintain QA/QC processes throughout the implementation phase of the project
• undertake complete commissioning and testing exercise to ensure compliance with the performance objectives.
• supply as-built and operation and maintenance data ….The estimated design and construction cost is in the order of $124,000,000 ….
And what do you get for an estimated cost of $124M? From the bid package (PDF of main document here):
The Heavy Maintenance Squadron Facility will provide 2nd and 3rd line maintenance support for all Chinook operations in an approximately 13,000 sq.m. gross area. It will incorporate four (4) helicopter maintenance bays, one (1) explosion proof repair bay, as well as an interior wash bay with an underground water reservoir. Aircraft support shops and offices will also be located throughout the facility.
The 1st Line Maintenance and Operation Facility will house the squadron operational helicopters, operators and support in a gross area of approximately 16,000 sq.m. The hangar floor will accommodate a minimum of ten (10) helicopters. The large, open, ready-use material shops will require basic systems with electrical and/or air compressor connectors to accommodate work benches, metal fabrication equipment and fume hoods. Squadron offices will also be housed in this facility.
The Pilot and Maintainer Training Facility will be approximately 6,000 sq.m. gross area. A large portion will be high bays for simulators. Other areas will be used as computer rooms, classrooms, briefing rooms and instructor offices.
The Common Support Facility will be approximately 5,000 sq.m. gross area. A large portion will comprise a high warehouse. Other portions will include office areas, repair shops for small equipment, and support vehicles.
Deadline to let the CF know whether your company can handle such a contract? No later than 2pm Eastern Daylight Time, April 20, 2010.
(Crossposted at MILNEWS.ca blog)
Labels: Chinook, Medium to Heavy Lift Helicopters, MERX, MHLH, Petawawa
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