Giving new meaning to the phrase "skirt-chasing"

My lovely and talented wife just ran her first half-marathon a couple of weeks ago - the Scotiabank Waterfront race in Toronto. On the Friday beforehand, I went with her to the Exhibition grounds to pick up her race kit and browse the vendors.
One of the ones we ran across (pun fully intended!) was a company called Running Skirts Inc. Their display caught our eye because there was a rack of skirts, long-sleeved tops, sleeves, and running bras that sported a modified CADPAT with little pink logos scattered throughout the pattern.
As my wife went to try a couple of pieces on, I took the opportunity to chat with Cindy Lynch (pictured right), who founded the company along with her twin sister Christy (who could also be pictured right - who can be sure?). When I asked why the camouflage running gear, she replied she had some friends in the CF who had been bugging her to do it for awhile. She had also arranged to donate 15% of the proceeds from sales of the "Skirt Camp" apparel line to Soldier On and the Military Families Fund. That certainly captured my attention.
Apparently the kit was quite popular at the Army Run in Ottawa the week previous - you can see some pictures here.
At that point, my wife popped out of the change-room and I got a look at her in the skirt and long-sleeved top.
The proposition as I saw it was this: I get to donate to two of the worthiest soldiers' charities in Canada and chase my wife down the road in her new running skirt?
Seriously, supporting companies that support our troops is just a damned good idea, as I see it. Even if there weren't side benefits. Which there definitely are. 'Nuff said.
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