Fly-by burgers
Just dropping in for some bites:
Military chopper lands for burgersNot all for the one fellow:A Canadian military helicopter lands near an A&W in Kenora, Ont., for burgers Thursday. (Submitted by Todd Madison)
A Canadian military helicopter pilot with a sudden hankering for hamburgers set his aircraft down on a Kenora, Ont., baseball diamond, and walked into an A&W restaurant across the street for a takeout order."He ordered four papa burgers with cheese combos and two papa burgers on the side," server Stacey Hawes told CBC News on Thursday.
The pilot was nice and polite, and made it seem as if he was just driving a regular car, she added.
Laura Madison was in her house in Kenora when she heard the whirring noise of the helicopter blades just down the street. When she looked out her window, she couldn't believe her eyes.
"It's a huge double-door … helicopter, which you don't see landing in the middle of town every day," Madison said. "He went in and got some A&W takeout and took off. So we're laughing because it was the strangest drive-thru we've ever seen."
...Update: Some fun at
Michelle Patterson said Friday she thought something was wrong when she looked out one of the windows of the A&W restaurant. All she saw was flying dust...
"He said he was here to pick up some supper before taking off again," said Patterson. "He joked about wanting to come through the drive-thru but he couldn't fit. Then I told him I would've delivered."
Patterson said the pilot ordered enough cheeseburgers, fries and root beer for six people. He said he was going to feed the other pilots at the airport before they refuelled and fly to Thunder Bay, Ont., and eventually back to Quebec.
After the pilot paid for his takeout, he walked back across the street to the parking lot of a baseball diamond where he had parked his helicopter and took off.
"The whole thing took no more than eight minutes, then he was gone," she said...
Soldiers in the streets....
More like "Aircrew on the ball field". Terrifying I agree as they should be on the golf course.
Back in 1980, it was possible to visit a certain steak joint in Bragg Creek on a Friday, and see 7 or 8 Cougars in the parking lot (c.1230hrs).
Ah yes, that elusive $100 hamburger as we pilots (used to) call it!
Wish I was there. i'd have paid for their lunch.
"The whole thing took no more than eight minutes, then he was gone,"
I have to wait in line that long before I even get to order?
what a crock
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