Thursday, August 27, 2009


General McChrystal's marching orders to his troops--including Canadians. The title [text also here]:
ISAF Commander's Counterinsurgency Guidance
Protecting the people is the mission.
The conflict will be won by persuading the population, not by destroying the enemy.
ISAF will succeed when GIRoA earns the support of the people.
Via Terry Glavin, who has some choice words on the matter (links added):
I am finally convinced that the Americans are serious about winning [but much still rests on President Obama], and I am convinced that with the Americans at the helm in the south now [see, e.g, here, here and here], we will win. There is a major change in the US approach. McChrystal is a true special-ops intellectual. His counter-insurgency guidance is brilliant in its simplicity and political sophistication.

"Embrace the people. . . earn their trust. . .seek out the underprivileged, the disenfranchised, the disaffected. . .work with the children and students. . .shield the people from harm. . .live and train together. . .plan and operate together. . .be a positive force in the community. . .confront corrupt officials. . .listen and learn from our Afghan colleagues. . .improve daily [see Update here for Canadians]."

It is "an argument," McChrystal says, between the Taliban and ISAF. "Win the argument," is his instruction. I sometimes make jokes about how ISAF should learn from Mao's guerilla war strategy. I am not joking now. The reasons the People's Liberation Army won are the reasons why we will win if McChrystal's strategy is carried to its fullest. Here's the PLA standard version, 1947:

"Obey orders in all your actions. Do not take a single needle or piece of thread from the masses. Turn in everything captured. Speak politely. Pay fairly for what you buy. Return everything you borrow. Pay for anything you damage. Do not hit or swear at people. Do not damage crops. Do not take liberties with women. Do not ill-treat captives."

It's not rocket science. It's popular armed struggle.
As for that struggle, Mr Glavin took the PLA quote above from the end of this:
Lin Biao
Long Live the Victory of People’s War!
Build a People’s Army of a New Type


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