Friday, August 21, 2009

"Afghanistan: presidential election"/"This Is a Good Day For Afghanistan"

Further to this post, excerpts from a Conference of Defence Associations' media round-up (Germany and Afstan at end; Spiegel is consistently, er, defeatist):
Carlotta Gall and Stephen Farrall for the New York Times report on the aftermath of the Afghan presidential elections.

Matthew Fisher for Canwest News Service reports on comments on the election and Taliban violence by BGen Jon Vance, commander of Canada’s Task Force Afghanistan.

AFP reports on the Afghan election turnout despite threats of Taliban violence

Rosie DiManno for the Toronto Star writes on violence and intimidation in the run-up to Afghan elections and on the process and aftermath.

Nipa Banerjee for the Ottawa Citizen comments on the lack of enthusiasm for and vigour of the 2009 presidential election, as compared to the previous one in 2004.

Reuters reports that the NATO Secretary-General has called for a doubling of the size of the Afghan security forces [emphasis added, US views here].

Der Spiegel reports on the struggle against the Taliban waged by German troops and Afghan security forces in Kunduz province. Der Spiegel interviews a former German defence minister on the subject of his country’s Afghan mission.,1518,643775,00.html [things seem to changed somewhat since this post],1518,643176,00.html ...
And from Brian at The Canada-Afghanistan Blog:
BBC's headline for their election coverage: Afghan poll hailed as a "success"

CBC's headline for their election coverage: Afghan voter turnout low, officials say

They might both be right--but only the BBC has the big picture in mind. Don't expect Afghanistan's turnout to be significantly lower than Canada's in most elections--and no Canadian has to worry about getting their f[......] finger chopped off...
Hmmm. Gotta love the Beeb sometimes.


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