Wednesday, January 07, 2009

"Fighting Ghosts" in Afstan

From CBC's The National:
“Fighting Ghosts” provides a point of view of the mission in Afghanistan that you haven’t seen before. Soldier Glen Villa wanted Canadians to see what was happening on the front lines of combat, and to appreciate what our soldiers are facing.

While on tour in Afghanistan, he attached a small camera to his helmet. He approached us with his footage, and here, we present some of that video, and the story of his experiences on the battlefield.

January 5, 2009 (Runs 15:53) With a camera attached to his helmet, soldier Glen Villa captured rare footage of front line combat in Afghanistan, and he shared it with CBC ...
Other Afstan videos at link. Via korabian at (commenters like the piece).

Update: From Raphael Alexander:

I watched CBC’s The National last night and was pleasantly surprised to see a powerful piece on Canada’s underreported close combat with the Taliban as told and filmed by soldier Glen Villa. The young, soft-spoken Canadian makes an impassioned plea of understanding about what really goes on in Afghanistan, while reminding us that what passes for our “problems” here in Canada are really nothing compared to the ones facing the people of Afghanistan every single day. At the end of the clip, Glen asks us to stay and fight in Afghanistan, to see through victory to the very end, and ensure that our soldiers did not die in vain. The documentary finishes with a tearfully solemn look at the soldiers who have died in service of Canada in Afghanistan in 2008. You should not miss this short 15-minute segment.

[The above movie is only a clip, you need to click the link to the CBC website to watch the entire 15:53.]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some amazing video.

Nice to see they still teach Section tactics into the troops serving in Afghanistan. They boys did a great job under fire.

7:33 p.m., January 07, 2009  

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