Friday, May 30, 2008

Afstan/Pakistan news

A roundup:
Already besieged by Bernier affair, Tories come under attack for Italian gaffe
Wrongly saying Italy was prepared to lift caveat on combat in Afghanistan 'just stupid': Ignatieff

Focus on terrorists, not Taliban, Afghan elders urge Canadians

Canadian officials urged to focus on job-creation projects

Who needs the Germans

Whether Berlin's 3,500 troops stay or leave `makes no difference to us,' says one senior Afghan official

Why NATO Troops Can't Deliver Peace in Afghanistan

Forty nations are embroiled in an unwinnable war in Afghanistan. Anyone who travels through the country with Western troops soon realizes that NATO forces would have to be increased tenfold for peace to be even a remote possibility...

U.S. commander in Afghanistan faults Pakistan for not pressing militants


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