Monday, November 19, 2007

Send the deserters home

I received the same correspondence as John, from the same long-time reader and all-too-infrequent drinking companion:

This reader having received *this* solicitation from a Canadian organization, the War Resisters Support Campaign, asked that I run with it... not in a supportive fashion, but rather in a non-supportive fashion, though I suspect we will collectively have little impact with the persons herein suggested.

And so I'm running with it. And to forestall any whiny snivels about "interfering in our internal politics" I would note that encouraging our soldiers to desert *is* meddling in *our* internal politics, and I believe we have a right to respond to same. With approval or approbation, as your personal conscience dictates.

As I've said before (albeit at another blog), if you want to desert your comrades-in-arms over a matter of conscience, then so be it. But face the music. Take your lumps. I'll still disagree with you, but I'll at least be forced to respect you for having the courage of your convictions.

But deserters who run away from the consequences of their decisions?

Thank you, but we have enough of our own home-grown idiots here in Canada, without importing American idiots as well.

So, if you're so inclined, send a note to the MP's listed in John's post - a polite and articulate note, or don't bother! - and let them know that there are motivated voters on the other side of this issue as well.


Blogger Mossy Stone said...

I wholeheartedly agree. There's a difference between a resister and a deserter. A citizen who leaves his country over ideological differences is one thing. But someone who took the oath and ran away is quite another.

Immigration should warm up their vans and drive these guys to the Border. Kudos to the SCOC for declining to hear their case.

I suspect that their only "cruel and unusual punishment" to be faced at home is being forced to watch Montel, Dr. Phil, and/or Maury.

6:18 p.m., November 20, 2007  

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