So the military brass are sending or have sent hundreds if not thousands of letters to army veterans asking them to re-enlist to support the home front. Now I know this doesn't mean much to most of you, but to those of us on the Supplementary Reserve List it means a great deal. Especially so if you served in the army, and even more especially so if you were trained to captain, major, sergeant or warrant officer level. I'm a former navy fid so I'm not feeling the heat right about now. But what about you, Brooks? Received any letters recently? Babble on, brother.
Yeah, too in my letter they missed my rank by two full grades - thanks for the demotions, boys.
Still, it is a good idea, and I won't say it didn't make me consider it.
Some guys at the office got offers to come back their old regiments at senior NCO/WO grades, with a fast-track to mustang. Attractive offer, but I don't know anybody that took them up on it.
I only know of a friend of a friend who took them up on it. I'm not on the supplementary reserve list, so I didn't get a letter.
What the hell would they do with a bean-bag like me anyhow?
Well, I know I'm out of shape, but I also know that could be cured with about two months of Army. With the "kids" that I trained coming back from, or heading to, Afstan, it does make one wonder a bit.
My brother got a letter a few months back (I didn't...). He was a Cpl in the Milita. We talked about it for a few hours, and he was tempted ( it helped that he was still in good shape and he's only been out three years), but he passed. I was a little jealous, but couldn't do Infantry anymore even if asked.
Served in the 90s.
am on supplemental reserve list.
Have not recieved letter.
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