Friday, June 01, 2007

Politicians - a pox on all their houses

So just where do we go on the evolutionary scale to get below pond scum.

The Opposition continues to try and use the issue to score political points, the Government fires back with more partisan rhetoric and obfuscation.

High School model Parliaments operate with more decorum and respect. Maybe our MPs should drop in on a few. It might be educational.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

amen to that bro.

I'm tuning out the dudes, and tuning in the sun, the suds, the beach, the family.

They can all go to their rooms for time-out.

11:33 a.m., June 01, 2007  
Blogger Mark, Ottawa said...

"Give them all detentions"


5:32 p.m., June 01, 2007  
Blogger RGM said...

It's been truly awful listening to Parliament and its inhabitants for the past few months. I'd been leaning towards joining one of them a few months ago, but after some horrid performances and the triumph of "my party before my country"-style thinking, forget it.

10:04 a.m., June 03, 2007  

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