Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Who are the war criminals in Afstan?

The Taliban, according to Human Rights Watch.

Update: Amnesty International has joined Human Rights Watch in "accusing the Taliban of war crimes for targeting civilians". Will the Liberals, NDP and Bloc take note? Or of this? "BOY BEHEADS 'SPY' IN TALIBAN SHOCK VIDEO".


Blogger Fotis said...

I agree with this report.

One point that many people miss though is that the type of behaviour exhibited hear do not differ significantly from the attacks in Lebanon by Isreal.

Specifically the following paragraph:

" ...
The report documents how, in violation of the laws of war, insurgent forces have repeatedly, directly targeted civilians for attack, and how even attacks directed at Afghan and international military forces have often been launched without due regard for civilian life.

.... "

2:33 p.m., April 17, 2007  
Blogger Fotis said...

I should have been more explict here but just incase... I belive Hezbolla was equaly culpable in warcrimes during this period.

4:14 p.m., April 17, 2007  
Blogger Babbling Brooks said...

Fotis, you do understand this blog is about the Canadian Forces, right?

12:15 a.m., April 18, 2007  
Blogger Fotis said...

Yes. I should keep my remarks in context. This is just a hot button issue for me. People always are quick to chime in and reference HRW when it supports their position but when it goes against the foreign policy of the current Canadaian government (as it did in the summer) people are just quick to deride it.

Point taken though.

Backgrounder.... I've been reading the blog for the past 6 months and I find this blog to have some of the most accurate, balanced, and reasoned infromation available on the Canadian Forces and the current operations in Afghanistan (I even used it as a reference (positive one) in some research I did). Though, I do not necisserily agree with all the positions stated, and that's fine by me, I was hoping to provoke/partake in some free and healthy discussion on some of the pressing Canadian issues though.

7:59 a.m., April 18, 2007  

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