Friday, April 27, 2007

Military humour - the latest in an ongoing series

This particular bit was sent along by infamous serial-commenter JMH. Although obviously written by a Brit, uniformed Canadians will find much that is familiar in these definitions and directives.

A sampling:

1. This guidance is being issued to remedy a perceived difficulty experienced by Staff at all levels in understanding the rationale behind recent Defence re-structuring. In particular many Staff Officers seem not to understand how reducing the numbers of aircraft, ships, tanks, artillery and soldiers results in a more flexible, robust and effective fighting force.

2. In particular it seems that much of the confusion stems from a systemic misunderstanding of the correct use of military terminology. A list of common terms and actual meanings follows.

3. In addition there follows an explanation of the key assumptions embedded within the Defence Review. All Staff Officers are encouraged to seek clarification through their Chain of Command if they still have any questions.

4. Staff Terminology used in the new Defence Plan;

Flexible- a. Smaller. b. unable to operate unless under US protection

Robust- a. Smaller b. Lacking reserves or regeneration capability

Networked- Smaller, but still unable to talk to each other

Capable- Smaller

Agile- Really, really small

The further you read, the more your sides will hurt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

tres funny . . . could easily be Brick Brain sur Rideau speak.

9:11 a.m., April 27, 2007  

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