Friday, March 23, 2007

Sears steps up

Sure, they're getting some good marketing and some sales opportunities out of this. And yes, they'll undoubtedly make their money on the deal.

But I say any effort to push awareness of our men and women in uniform out into the Canadian public consciousness, and to raise funds for them on top of that, deserves a pat on the back:

CANEX, a division of the Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency (CFPSA), has coordinated with Sears Canada to provide official “Support Our Troops” (SOT) merchandise in Sears Canada retail stores across the country.

Official CFPSA SOT merchandise includes ball caps, t-shirts, car and fridge magnets, cling vinyl window decals, bracelets, lapel pins, and more. Canadians can now purchase official SOT t-shirts and ball caps at Sears Canada, with two dollars from each purchase going back to morale and welfare programs for CF members and their families.To purchase other SOT items, order online through CANEX at [Babbler: or just click on the yellow ribbon link in our sidebar]

BZ to both the CFPSA and Sears for cooperating to the benefit of the troops. Best of luck with the new endeavour.


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