Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Scrooge visits the CF deployed in Africa

If you've ever wondered why most troops hate headquarters types, the following should give you a good idea. (H/T Celestial Junk)
Merry Christmas Troops! - Love Ottawa

"Well, guys. I just want to add another injustice to how the CF are being treated. As you know, I am at Addis Ababa with TFAA, supporting the African Union in Sudan. This month, someone in Ottawa has decided that our mission should have the Risk Level down graded from Level 2 to Level 1 and have our danger pay reduced. In addition, with Risk level reduced, the tax exemption was gone. This is retroactive to June 2006. Well, the pay system took all the taxes owed in one shot and for my Dec pay, I owed the Feds $11000.00. This is just bloody insane. I have lost 25 lbs in the last four months and got intestinal amoebic infection twice and is constanly on Anti-biotic which leaves this metallic taste in your mouth. At any given time, 60 to 70% percent of the TFAA members are down with something. In october, all members had dystentery, amoeba infection, and one repatriated member had malaria.
The powers that be want to change the Risk Level? Do so for any new deployments. But what addled-brained idiot decided not only do it at Christmas time, but make it retroactive to June of this year? How much do you want to bet that those responsible for this decision receive a nice performance bonus for 2006? (Hint: in the real world this is what's known as a sucker's bet)


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