Friday, August 25, 2006
The Torch is a group weblog focusing on the Canadian military.

- Damian - Babbling Brooks
- Mark from Ottawa
- Paul Synnott - BBS
- The Monarchist
- The Phantom Observer
- Tony -
Damian's Afghanistan Posts
- Welcome to the two-way range
- The winning percentage
- Tac Hel
- Compatriots
- On the boardwalk
- Patrol, pt.1 - headed to Double K
- Patrol, pt.2 - Dand District Centre
- Corrections: thankless and rewarding
- Canada/Afghanistan (and me)
- A little goes a long way
- Photo Album
The opinions expressed in each blog post at The Torch are those of the specific post's contributor, and should not be attributed to any other group, organization or individual with which any of the contributors is affiliated, including each other. Neither do others' comments to these posts represent the contributors' opinions. Furthermore, any links provided to other websites are for information purposes only, and don't imply any endorsement on the part of the contributors.
This website is not endorsed by the Department of National Defence, the Government of Canada, or any other group or organization.

Afghanistan pol/topo

Previous Posts
- Just curious...
- Canada and Afstan
- In the public eye
- American troops in Afstan bond with Canadians
- Planning for a northern port for the Navy
- Air Force still needs a lot more
- Canadian Hercs for Dutch soldiers
- Policy or no?
- The strange world of aircraft costs
- Afstan: The Globe and Mail is disappointed, I suspect
You would have thought that the DND website would have known better than to call it a "gun".
it's kinda like calling shotgun shells "bullets" isn't it....
a thought:
Replace [ with < and ] with >
[a href=""]the words you want us to click[/a]
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