Gen. Fraser at Security Meeting with Afghanistan's Governors

25 Apr 2006
Source: Combat Camera
Five Governors of Afghanistan’s southern provinces held a meeting at the Governor’s Palace in Kandahar City to discuss security, reconstruction and unity of effort.
Left to Right: 2nd Mr. Jan Muhamad Akbari (Daikundi Province), 4th Brigadier General David Fraser (Regional Command South Commander), 5th Mr. Dilbar Jan Arman (Zabul Province), 6th Mr. Abdul Hakim Munib (Uruzgan Province), 7th Major General Benjamin Freakly (Commander of Combined Joint Task Force-76), 8th Mr. Asadullah Khalid (Kandahar Province), and 10th Mr. Daud (Helmand Province).
The Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team (KPRT) located at Camp Nathan Smith in the heart of Kandahar City is comprised of approximately 250 soldiers, drawn largely from Land Forces Western Area (LFWA) and 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (1 CMBG) based in Shilo, Manitoba and Edmonton, Alberta.
Task Force Afghanistan is part of Canada’s contribution to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Canadians and their international partners are helping Afghan people to rebuild their lives, their families, their communities and their nation. The mission is to improve the quality of life of Afghan people by providing a secure environment in which Afghan society can recover from more than 25 years of conflict.
Photo by Sergeant Carole Morissette
Task Force Afghanistan Roto 1
Imagery Technician
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