Diplomatic language has its place...
...and that place is most emphatically not Occam's Carbuncle. Heh.
And while we're getting all politically incorrect, here's a snapshot for you:
And while we're getting all politically incorrect, here's a snapshot for you:

Now you think attacking soldiers is an act of terrorism.
Seeing as this site seems to have an intimate relationship with our troops serving in Afghanistan i thought I would make a suggestion in light of the recent killing of an Afghanistan civilian by outr troops because he didn't heed the warnings to keep his distance.
I was thinking that maybe our troops could use THUNDER FLASHES to warn civilians to keep their distance instead of the present practice of a warning shot which could be lost amongst the noise of traffic and two stroke engines or mufflerless cars?
Now you think attacking soldiers is an act of terrorism.
Uh, no.
I was posting two separate items whose only connection was that they were both exceptionally undiplomatic, and they both amused me in a B&T sort of way.
Hence the post's title.
I've been extremely patient with you over at this site, Robert, since it's a group effort. But as the administrator, let me assure you that if you continue to add nothing of substance to the conversation, your empty accusations will begin to disappear into the ether.
Typical conservative. Always quick to silence dissenting points of view. Ban away, whinger. I won't be cowed by you brownshirts.
Robert McClelland: Actually the really bad guys wore black (SS); the brownshirts (SA) were, um, decapitated on June 30, 1934.
Be cowed when you see the man in black.
"Now you think attacking soldiers is an act of terrorism."
Criminal attacks on foreign armed forces and civilian personnel who are in the country at the invitation of the democratically elected government are most certainly acts of terrorism. Surely even by your slightly demented and ever shifting standards.
Mark, That explains Muqtada Al-Sadr*s choice of black head bands for his night workers who drive around collecting ransom victims.
Those who do not pay can collect the hacked bodies from along the roadside in due time.
Al-Sadr is Iran backed, speaks with an Iranian accent.
see RedzoneBlog
GOOD News:
Ganji has been released after 6 years confined!
Iran is getting the message at last.. The force of the recent insurgency clean-up north of Baghdad may have been noticed by AMADinejad via Al-Jazeera TV.
Posts similar to mine on Persian blogsites to the effect that the US give Iran 6 days notice before installing the *Green Glow* that makes street lighting unnecessary. [ tongue in cheek], may have made for a little uneasiness.
Ganji, looking like death warmed over, due to his hunger strike, came in TV camera view exclaiming how he was abused and pouring vitriol on his captors. He has no fear of death.
TV cameras showed Ganji and his wife and others smiling broadly and very happy.
Whatever, it is good news. 10words.ca TG
Some other options for warning civilians to keep their distance might be Paint ball guns, Water guns. Mega phones, Pull a tire spike behind.
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