Sunday, July 15, 2007

A little clarity

David Warren with an excellent piece in Saturday's Ottawa Citizen:
More than a name to the passersby

I am outraged by the numbers game that is played in our mainstream media, and by the political opponents of our Afghan mission.

I am outraged by the affectation of remorse from people who never wanted any soldier sent on any mission to any field.

I am appalled by those reporters who nosed through the crowds, fishing for antiwar soundbites. By the newspaper headlines that shriek grief when we never saw, so prominently displayed, a single article in which the achievements of our soldiers in Afghanistan were mentioned. Such reporting presents our soldiers' lives as wasted. The drumbeat of casualty numbers gnaws at our will to victory.

Far, far more people die annually in auto wrecks on our streets, and there is no media drumbeat about this. Yet that is pure waste. Each year about a hundred thousand unborn children die on the altar of "a woman's right to choose," yet there is no drumbeat. And the families of our fallen soldiers are afflicted with "how do you feel?" questions, and the gall of false sympathies, from reporters they know perfectly well are using the death of their beloved to pump out a message that desecrates his memory.

That fallen soldier did not break faith, but walked through Calvary. And we, the living, must not break faith, but assure the victory of the cause for which he died.


Blogger andy pratt said...

For David Warren

Your "clarity" is quite murky, it seems. You make real points about abortion and highway death, yet all of your comparisons come only from the West. If you are speaking for Jesus and Yahweh you must speak for all of humanity, not just part. What about the effect of centuries of European, American, Turkish, Russian, Arabian, Japanese, and ? (my list is incomplete, man's inhumanity to man was a phrase my father used) murderous empire-building and life-destroying plunder/trade on the "little people" of the world? Of the rape and murder of populations by dictators? What about Biblical concepts of humility and justice? Nationalism has no place in faith. If there is any nation that Yahweh loves it is Israel, not America or Canada. He will not share His Glory any man human kingdom.
How can we do anything but beg for mercy for our own part in all this killing and destruction. Soldiers -generally speaking, one can only generalize about infinitely complex reality in a blog like this - are but the servants of rulers, for whom will be reserved the most severe judgement. Way back in the book of Samuel Yahweh warned Israel not to follow the example of other nations and have a king, who would take their money in taxes and sacrifice their children to war. The results of their foolishness and blindness are with us today, and we are no better of course.
God who loves every single person on earth will judge the world for all this. God bless

Andy Pratt

8:19 p.m., July 15, 2007  

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